We have a great group of women and they believe in the Faith that Christ has given each one us! Our Bible Study meets on Wednesday nights in the Fellowship Hall (we outgrew our room). This page is dedicated to our weekly blog, hopefully uplifting and encouraging all women who read.
BLOG:Drifting Yesterday's message got a lot of us thinking. The definition of drifting is someone who moves around aimlessly, without a set plan or in search of something. Another meaning is to move slowly, with no control over direction.
Hebrews 2:1 (reminder) We must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it. The writer was speaking to all of us, knowing that any of us at any stage of life could find ourselves in a place we never intended to be.
"Pay extra attention", why? Lest you drift. It's as though the writer knew that the more familiar we became, the less attention we would pay -- to God, His Word and His ways.
When we begin to drift in any area of our lives, it's subtle. Hardly even noticeable. Barely detectable. It's not a deliberate step we take, but more like a gradual slip. We don't drift because we aren't strong or haven't walked with Christ for many years. It just happens, But once it does, if we don't look up and check our markers, we will be taken places we never wanted to go --emotionally, physically, relationally or spiritually. There is no aspect of our lives that is immune from drifting and no single person who is not prone to drift.
Thankfully, we have a Savior who understands our tendency to drift because He experienced the undertow of humanity. (Hebrews 2:18). We have a Holy Spirit inside of us who whispers warnings when we start to drift (John 14:26). And we have a heavenly Father who loves us, wants the best for us and is standing on the shore, arms spread wide, ready for us to come running back home.